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Inclusive practice

Become a student at University College South Denmark

Exchange Course: Special Education Needs and Inclusive Learning Processes, Inclusive Practice, Diagnose and Classroom Management and Playful Learning

Right now we offer

Autumn course 2024:

From 26 August to 13 December, 2024.

Learning environment

The Department for Teacher Education, Campus Esbjerg, provides a 4-month modular course specially designed for both foreign and Danish students.

The classes are organised as lectures, self-studies and with a variety of methods with focus on practice-oriented exercises, case studies and research findings. As special needs education is a constantly evolving field, recent and cutting-edge research and topical debates will enter classroom discussions and other teaching and learning activities.

The programme comprises 30 ECTS.

Course content

Special education needs and inclusive teaching is meant to impart to students' professional skills and a professional judgement in planning, implementing and evaluating teaching students who find themselves challenged by the learning environment of regular classrooms so as to be able to consider special needs, challenges and resources of individual learners vis-á-vis resources offered institutionally.
Playful learning is introduced with a focus on how to investigate the potential in strengthening children’s creative and experimental approach to learning and to the world, as well as their lifelong motivation.

Headlines of the course

Module 1: Inclusive Teaching (10 ECTS)

The course module takes its point of departure in relational developmental systems / psychology in its conception the child itself, its relationships, experiences and actions vis-á-vis inclusive teaching in an effort to unravel the challenges and special needs of a child subjected to governmentally instituted inclusive classroom reforms.

Fundamental topics, knowledge and methodologies are presented from a general vantage point, which is a prerequisite for a teacher to plan, implement, and evaluate inclusive teaching.

Module 2: Classroom Management and Inclusion (10 ECTS)

The course module introduces inclusive teaching with special reference to components in pedagogy, psychology and educational science of importance to planning, implementing and evaluating (the effectiviness of) teaching efforts addressing students in inclusive and differentiated learning environments. Hence, the course module introduces differentiation and other teaching principles together with a broad range of methods of how to approach inclusive teaching as a component integrated in a regular learning classroom environment as well as individual and independent inclusive teaching activities. 

Eventually, the course module focusses on classroom management conceived of as a skill of managing, organising and collaborating with classrooms in the light of differentiated teaching and inclusive pedagogy.

Module 3: Playful Learning (10 ECTS)

The course module introduces playful learning with a focus on how to investigate the potential in strengthening children’s creative and experimental approach to learning and to the world, as well as their lifelong motivation.
You are to develop, test, and reflect on activities and you are to become familiar with concepts related to playful learning in teaching.
The course will include the latest research and discussions about, for example, play qualities and concepts related to playful learning.

The working methods in this module will link to the three principles:

  • To dare unpredictability
  • To create common ideas
  • To insist on meaningfulness

There is an alternation between research-based theory about a playful approach to learning and concrete practical learning activities. Surroundings and materiality will be given a central role. The content of the module is closely linked to teaching, mediation, and facilitation.

We learn a lot from each other. Everyone comes with a different story and a different background. And every story is what makes the social gatherings in Inclusive Practice amazing.

Emilie Marie Nielsen

Former teacher student on Inclusive Practice

Target groups

The course targets students of student teachers for pre-primary, primary and secondary schools, social education and early childhood education.


The student is able to plan, implement, evaluate and develop inclusive teaching sequences for special-needs learners facing severe challenge in non-adapted learning environments.


Each course module includes assessment based on oral and/or written presentation. At least 80% attendance is required in each course module.


The course requires English language skills on a B2 level according to the Common European Framework of References for Languages(CEFR). All course materials will be in English, and the language of instruction is English.

Application deadline

1 May 2024

Read more about admission here

More information

Course content

Learning agreement 
