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Playful Learning - Exploring Cultural Expression

Exchange Course

Spring course

From 29 January to 21 June 2024
From 27 January to 20 June 2025

Learning environment

The Department for Social Education provides a 5 months modular course specially designed for both international and Danish students, so you will be able to learn from and with each other. With the reflective practitioner as guiding principle the course will facilitate active learning both inside and outside the class-room. Through excursions, fields studies and practical training you will observe and explore pedagogical practice and in lectures, workshops and group work you will be encouraged to discuss and reflect upon your experiences.

The course takes place at our campus in Esbjerg.

The program is of 30 ECTS:

  • Exploring Cultural Expression (20 ECTS)
  • Practical training period (10 ECTS) 

You can follow the full program (20 + 10 ECTS), or you can choose only to take the theoretical part (20 ECTS).

Course content

The area of competence is focused on leading and supporting aesthetic and creative expression in pedagogical practice. The didactic approach will be based on playful learning.
Read more about the playful learning approach here or take a look at the national website of the Playful Learning programme in Denmark.

You will be able to create frameworks for, lead and develop processes of creative experience and learning which support and inspire people to work creatively with musical and aesthetical forms of expression and culture-generating actions.

You will get a 7-week professional practice placement and explore a playful learning approach to pedagogical practice. The area of competence addresses participation in pedagogical practice within the pedagogical profession. You will organise, carry out and evaluate pedagogical activities through participating in pedagogical practice during your placement, including reviewing own learning processes in practice.

Course content

Target groups

The target group for the international semester in Esbjerg is 0-18-year-olds as an age group in general within the fields of social/special pedagogy, school/after-school pedagogy, and early childhood education and care pedagogy.  

Application deadline 

1 November

Read more about admission here

More information

Leaflet 2024
Leaflet 2025

Learning agreement 2023/2024
Learning agreement 2024/2025